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What's on?

Writer: Kathryn MorganKathryn Morgan

Updated: Feb 4, 2024

Well August has started pretty much just as July was - busy, busy, busy - and it looks set to stay that way.

Let's see what it's all about.

First of all we had a great time last night watching Lizzy make the most beautiful Raspberry Ripple bag.

Did you miss it? Oh no! Well actually, do not worry! The video can be found on the Lizzy Curtis FaceBook page - an open page for everyone to enjoy.

The pattern is available in the webshop but read on, because you may be able get it for free, wink wink!

Raspberry Ripple Bag is such a joy to make. It has loads of features, giving the opportunity for learning new skills and honing others. With the concise pattern and the fabulous video, it's so achievable for all. Look at this photo, how can anyone not love her?

The funny part about the Raspberry Ripple bag that Lizzy made originally, is that she was temporarily lost! We thought she'd been snaffled up by some unknown intruder and she was not to be found anywhere. Now, I'm sure you'll know Lizzy well by now. So, you understand that she will never be anything if not professional and when it looked like the only option for showing the bag off during the live, was to hold up a paper pattern, a scurry of searching began. I can see it now, items flying everywhere behind the camera, and calmness itself in front.

Then a bright idea emerged from our lovely Jacqui Thomas. "Have you put it in another bag to plump that one out Lizzy?" says Jacqui "I know you!"

Well then came the lightbulb moment! The gorgeous fair maiden that is Raspberry Ripple (affectionately known at Lizzy Curtis HQ as RR), was rescued from the jaws of the beautiful Austin! The world was saved for another day! More importantly though, we were able to see RR in her rightful place, in front of the camera last night. Phew :-)

Anyway, back to what's been happening.

We've seen the completion of some and the progress of other projects, which we talked about in the July blog post.

We've seen Blue Beauties galore. The wonderful Julea has been lovingly made and displayed in the groups. There has been huge progress made with our dedicated Platinum project, Electra. Not forgetting the stunning Barneys that we've seen. Here are just a few photos

Blue beauty




And this is the lovely Electra.

Looking forward then...

One of the current month's members' patterns is Aubretia. A very clever pattern using fabric weaving to create a cushion that, quite frankly, is super stunning and looks like it's been painted rather than stitched.

Aubretia is going to be made during 2 live events in Lizzy's Fabulous Sewing Group - details on the calendar above. These are "not to be missed" events, as the process is fascinating.

Whether you've seen it before or not, done lots yourself or never tried it, fabric weaving is magic.

We must not forget the beautiful Austin when talking about the August patterns. If you're not yet a subscribed member, you won't be able to buy Austin or Aubretia until September but our members are already making them.

Note: Austin didn't really try and eat RR!

A challenge

Sunday last week saw the launch of yet another challenge for us all. Inspired by a beautiful piece of textile art at the Festival of Quilts, Lizzy has shown us how to make a "temperature hexagon".

We are being taught how to transform a basic fabric hexagon shape into a piece of art, that represents the weather and circumstances on a given day. The challenge will continue for the next few weeks and when we've made several of these, we will be putting them together to make a beautiful project. This all sounds a bit vague doesn't it? But come on! I'm not going to reveal everything here am I? You need to join in and see for yourself, while we're all having fun, you could be missing out!

At last the free pattern, keep reading, not much more!

And that (yes I know I shouldn't start a sentence with "and"), brings us neatly on how you can enjoy all the activity here in the Lizzy Curtis community. I've not covered half of what happens here but hopefully your appetite as they say, will have been whetted.

Do you remember, back at the start of this ramble (sorry Blog post), that I suggested you may be able to get the Raspberry Ripple (RR) pattern for free? You know, the bag that went walk about and was swallowed up by the seemingly harmless Austin? Well here's how ...

... take out a 2 weeks free trial of the Platinum membership monthly subscription, which gives you access to BOTH online groups. From 1st to 14th of every month, there's an opportunity to sign up for platinum with nothing to pay until 14 days after your joining date. During this time (and you can only do this once), you can download the current month's patterns, take part in challenges, download any bonus free items (this month the RR pattern!), enjoy all the live events, share your photos, be inspired, be supported, get help and encouragement. Oh I know I go on but there's a long list!

So why are you still reading this? Go from here to the subscription page and get your 14 day Platinum membership free trial. You only have until Friday to take advantage of this and if you don't want to stay, you just cancel before your 14 days are up. But really! Why would you want to do that? Oh, and I know I shouldn't start a sentence with "but" either.

Enough of this, you know what to do - go and check everything out, do your research, find out where you can get better value (I'll give you a clue - nowhere) and then pop back here and join us.

Have a great August. Happy Sewing, stay well.

Kath (for Lizzy too) x



Diana Waterman
Sep 04, 2023

Owww Kath, I just downloaded some patterns and found this lovely blog, It's all wonderful when put into a story. busy busy bees you are xx🙂


N Moffat
Aug 08, 2023

Wow Kath! When you see it all written down like this, it seems even more amazing! I LOVE everything you and Lizzy bring us. Every week is different and full of fun.. Im off to finish my Blue Beauty before I make a start on Austin 😍

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