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What's a pretty colour?

Writer: Kathryn MorganKathryn Morgan

Hello Friends,

It's the 1st of September, a month of surprises maybe. Part of September falls into the "Summer" category, with the latter part of the month heralding the onset of Autumn. This fact started me thinking about colours. This is the time of year when the summer flowers are fading but nature's autumn colours are just thinking about showing their glory. Every year though, the colours and blends of colour are slightly different, depending on the weather we've had, the weather we're going to have (which no one really seems to be able to predict with 100% accuracy) and nature's mood at the time. This is what makes nature's colour palette so fascinating.

Lizzy recently reviewed some colour cards for us, explaining how to use them and the colour wheel. There's a video of a live event in the Creative Friends FB group on 22nd August, all about colour. Have a look if you're in the group. It's been really valuable to so many of us. One of the members said, "Dithering over choice of fabric colours is definitely a thing of the past." Well I understand exactly what she means, but to be honest, I think a bit of dithering is in my blood, so some of that is still bound to happen!

What is interesting about colour is that it's such a personal thing. I am not a melancholy person but I do love black. I think it looks smart and stylish but sometimes can drain all colour from the wearer. Brown is another strange colour, one that many people steer clear of. The theory of colour is very clever and the colour wheel makes a lot of sense, but for me, putting colours together is quite dependent on whether I actually like them together.

What are your favourite colours?

Does it depend on your mood, the day of the week, whether you're dealing with fabrics or food? What helps you to decide?

I try to wander out of my comfort zone as much as I dare, choosing colours (fabrics, textiles, yarns etc.) that I wouldn't normally choose and putting them together. I often find myself thinking "what if I added this colour to that one?" Is this a sensible approach to colour? Well, it's definitely one approach to choosing colours, and of course the colour cards are really useful in this approach.

If we were to look again at nature's colours this month, how many would we find? Literally thousands! It's no wonder we have difficulty trying to decide what to use in our crafts sometimes. The colours of summer are still here: blue, pink, red flowers, and blue skies; green grass; yellow, brown, and red leaves. Soon we'll see the autumn golds and browns, the stunning oranges and purples, and the grey skies. The hues, the tints, the blends and the contrasts all make up the infinite choices we have.

Next time you see something you don't like because of the colour(s), ask yourself why. Is it because the colours clash on the colour wheel? Is it because they are close on the wheel. Is it because they are too dark, too light, too vivid, too dull?

Let's have a look at some projects we've seen (may even have made) recently

This is a diagram of Floating Glass, a quilt workshop that is coming soon, a Lizzy Curtis Designs creation.

I think you'll agree that this is stunning! (I'll pause here while you look at it for a little longer!)

The colour is green, well spotted ;-) but, the tints, tones and shades of green have been arranged so the whole piece comes alive.

To me, the use of colour here is much more important than the hue that's been chosen.

What about this one?

This is All Clammed Up, another quilt workshop from a few weeks back. This is just one design with, as you can see, loads of colours. Having put these colours together as pieces of fabric, you may have rejected some of them, because perhaps "I don't really like the orange" for instance. But wouldn't that have been a mistake? Every colour here comes into its own, as well as blending in with (and standing out from) its neighbours. Perfect!

And for the last one...

Pink and orange...?

Orange and pink...?

No. Lets not put them together, they clash!

Really? Do they? I don't think so!

This little Daffy is totally gorgeous!

The colours just go. Who knows why or how? They just do. They complement each other. They are strong enough to stand alone, yet soft enough to play nicely together. Do you remember Fruit Salad sweets - these colours on the wrapper and perfect harmony inside!

So what have we learned?

  • We have options (too many perhaps)

  • Choose the colours you always go for, it's safe that way (a bit boring though!)

  • Try wandering outside your comfort zone (now that's a bit more interesting...)

  • Use colour theory - cards, the colour wheel etc., to help you decide (I need all the help I can get!)

  • Look at colours other crafters have used - we have a lovely group of talented people showing us what they've created - take inspiration from them (we do see some stunning makes!)

  • Look at nature, magazines, photographs (I mean really look at them)

  • If you like what you've used, it's not wrong! (I never was one for rules...)

  • What's the worst that can happen if you don't quite hit the mark? (it was fun anyway)

Colour is beauty, all colours and every colour. We are so lucky to be able to get our hands on beautifully printed fabrics, yarns, lace, beads etc. Whatever might help you to choose the materials for your project, use it. Be proud of what you've created and don't be afraid to show it off, you'll inspire someone else.

Have a wonderful September. Look out for the beauty around you as the colours start to change this month.

Happy crafting

Love Kath x



Carol Ellingham
Sep 02, 2024

Good morning Kath, such a beautiful and thought provoking message. I struggle with colour but when I get together what makes me feel good I go for it. I am going to get the colour block box to be more adventurous with my colours. Have a fantastic month enjoying the beauty of our season.


Sep 01, 2024

Thank you Kath I learn so much from your blogs I must admit I am not good with colours l am waiting for the colour box and am going to try different colours. When I am finished with the quilt I am making the next one l will use the colour box. Xx


Sep 01, 2024

I’ve definitely got braver with my colour choices. Blue is always my fallback colour. I bought the colour box and having already chosen my fabrics for Cathy, as an experiment I matched them to the colour box cards and apart from one, they were complimentary colours! Thanks Kath for your blog, always good for thought

Kathryn Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Sep 01, 2024
Replying to

It's lovely to confirm your thoughts with 'how it should be done". Great fun. Enjoy Cathy xx


Sep 01, 2024

Your blogs are so good Kath.

I don’t do the colour charts, if I see something I like I put them together and take it from there ❤️

Kathryn Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Sep 01, 2024
Replying to

It's not a bad strategy Chris xx


N Moffat
Sep 01, 2024

Another fab blog post Kath. I tend to stay with the colours I like, but Im getting braver at mixing it up and I am trying to move from my comfort zone and try different colours. What's the worst that can happen... x

Kathryn Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Sep 01, 2024
Replying to

Exactly. You may not love how it turned out but someone will! xx

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