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Textile and threads

Writer: LizzyLizzy

So what's all that about? Well my passion is creating, and usually creating textiles which may use unusual fabrics or textiles, and sometimes not really have a goal in mind, simply to create. I have learnt over the years that creativity keeps the mind active and the results of your work sensational, and sometimes not really believing you have made this piece of art.

What for? Well why not for nothing in particular, why not just to enjoy the process, and share your creativity with others. What will it be for, well who knows! It might be a piece that never sees the light of day, or it may get framed and live with you forever!

Why? Because we must create in order to share, to gift or just to own just for ourselves to enjoy. Do we need a reason? No definitely not, do we need to justify or explain, certainly not. Is there a deadline? Absolutely not here!

So we shall just be, and let our own imagination do the work for us, we shall move slowly forward with ideas, which will maybe turn into something glorious, or not. But we do this together, as a group, as a team. No judgement or self destruction, not here, as your work to me will be the best ever, whatever, whenever!

So encouraged by my daughters who support me so well I am creating a new group for fans of textile and threads, BUT only join if you share my passion, and will participate and will support and encourage everyone by commenting and sharing. I'm not sure how this will pan out, as this is website based only, but by creating regular blog posts, and feedback I get I'm sure we can work it out. You'll have your special page, we shall use Lizzy TV channel to do our live videos, and I will create a gallery. It's all new, and I'm excited about it. BUT only join if you share my passion!

Lizzy xx



Aug 05, 2024

I am so glad you decided to do this, I love the creative art textiles it allows us to explore and do things different sort of free style but also with a direction that can lead to something great 😊 it definitely helps the mind and soul .. can’t wait to explore with you and those who join xx


Kathryn Morgan
Kathryn Morgan
Jul 26, 2024

I love this idea. I agree that being creative keeps us active: mind; body, and soul. We create and learn or perhaps learn and create, but always, in doing one, we automatically do the other. I'm very excited. Thank you x

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