September is here, and just when you thought Autumn was well on it's way, summer arrives! What a fabulous start to the month. Yes, it's been hot and yes, we've all (well I have) moaned about the heat, but it has been lovely to be seeing sunshine instead of rain. That said, as I type at my desk, I'm looking out onto the garden being teased with a light shower!
I hope you've had a good August, whatever you did. Let's take a look at what happened at Lizzy Curtis Designs, it was another busy month.
Member's patterns, August
Both Aubretia and Austin were a roaring success.
We've seen loads of Austins made and they have all been fantastic.

Here are just a couple made by our members, picked totally at random.
Everyone has loved Aubretia too and the fabric weaving we've seen has been top notch.

These are a couple again made by our members. Beautiful!
Members Patterns, September
Sayona and Sienna are the most beautiful autumn themed patterns. Have a look at these photos and they will speak for themselves.

This is Sayona, an extravert cushion with a big frill and a happy greeting.

Sienna, is warm, stylish and delightful.
These are only available to members at present but coming to the website next month. Already there have been some made and it's lovely to see the photos.
August Challenge
In my last blog post, you will have read about our Temperature Hexagons challenge. Each week the Platinum Members have been having great fun making hexagons representing the weather on a particular day, usually a Sunday. We've seen Lizzy do free motion stitching, chenille work, fabric origami and so much more. So whilst we've been having fun, we've also been learning and practising techniques that we can use in other projects.
However, it's not over yet. We're carrying on throughout September, making a total of 7 hexagons which we'll be using to make something gorgeous. Watch out for the next blog post and I'll show you some photos.
Duxford Quilt Show
What an amazing weekend was had by all at the Duxford Quilt Show. Didn't the stand look absolutely wonderful? So much hard work and preparation went into it and it shows, as you can see below.
Now I'm a little (well a lot) sad that I was unable to attend for several reasons, but I loved seeing the photos, watching the lives and hearing all about the fun that was had. I'm sure you did too - the photos and videos are still on Facebook if you missed any. They made me feel part of all that was going on, even though I couldn't be there.

This is part of the stand...

...and here are the staff. There may be someone else in here you recognise too? Zoom in to take a closer look. This is a link for just one of the live videos Lizzy did for us. I love it.
For those of you who went along, it was obvious that you enjoyed yourselves. Lizzy was visited by so many of you and that was the highlight of the weekend for her. These shows are great for shopping, but the social element of meeting old and making new friends is priceless. Some of you travelled down the road, others along the width or length of the country, but all of you were very welcome and massively appreciated by "Team Lizzy". The loyalty, dedication and love that was shown, not only to Lizzy, but to Adrienne and Abeygale too, is simply flabergasting! (is that a word? - it is now!) Everyone, whether at home, or present at the show, was so supportive and excited by the event, and that meant so much to the team.
I enjoyed seeing the aircraft at the one end of the hall too!
How do we follow that?
Well, as you know, we are never still here. We are so enjoying all that's happening in September and I've added the calendar of FB live events here, so you don't miss anything. There's a little surprise too that's not on the calendar, or at least, the details of which aren't there. I wonder what it is, hhmmm?

Have you noticed how many new patterns have been released this month? Lizzy even designed, produced and released one without me! Now that's just rude! Just joking, but I wasn't even asked for permission! Seriously, Serendipity is gorgeous and we're excited every time we see another one made. Pumpkin Pie is our brilliant new Quillow pattern and is a particular favourite of mine (I'm not sure why ;-). She is a quilt and a pillow all in one and is such fun to make. Then there's another superb pattern coming your way next week, I can't keep up!
Looking forward to the end of this month, Lizzy is presenting another series of workshops. This time we will have 3 consecutive nights (have a look at the calendar) during which Lizzy will demonstrate how to make a quilt inspired by a children's book called The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt. It's is a wonderful children's story of a ghost who was different from his friends and family, but so heartwarming. I'm all signed up to make the quilt (and I've read the book too) and if you want to, you can join in as well. You'll find all the details in the website shop.
And finally...
If you're a platinum member, you'll hopefully have seen Lizzy live on Friday evening, launching the new project in the Platinum Members group. This is project number 4 and it's already fascinating. I won't spoil the surprise if you haven't managed to catch up yet, (or if you're not a Platinum member, as you may want to join, just saying!) but we're all doing our homework and getting prepared for the next stage. I'm really excited by this project as it's right up my street.
So finally finally...
The rest of September then is set to be full of stitchiness and fun. I know, I'm reinventing the English language one word at a time! I hope you enjoy it and the rest of the month for you is a good one.
We have lots in store for you again in October. So I'll see you back here during the first week of the month, with a catch up, news and a look forward to what's going to be happening then.
Happy stitching,
Kath x