Welcome to October, the second month of Autumn if you're north of the equator and the second month of Spring in the southern hemisphere. However, wherever you are in the world, with the (sometimes dodgy) technology at our disposal, we can get together to enjoy stitching, watching stitching and talking about stitching.
Now, I couldn't do a blog post this month without mentioning FPP - Foundation Paper Piecing. If anyone doesn't know about the wonderful workshops a few of us attended last weekend with Verushka Zarate, where have you been? I think we've just about exhausted anyone who would listen to us on the subject.

This photo is of Lizzy trying to run off into the lift with my work! How rude!
(It's her own work really but it's better than mine!)
A great time was had by all and we all learned a thing or two. I realised that the smaller pieces were almost easier than the bigger pieces to put together. It's like anything else we do: if we break it down into bite sized pieces, we can achieve anything.
So, talking of FPP, did you know that October is National Apple Month (UK)? Really, I'm not making it up!
I can hear you all asking, "what on earth has that question got to do with FPP?" Well take a look at this:

This stunning piece of work is one of the members' patterns for October. We have a mix here, of "ordinary" patchwork blocks and the apple blocks, that are made using FPP. Remember what we said earlier about tackling things in bite sized chunks? Well apply that principle to this project, and it makes it achievable for everyone. Plus, we can see Lizzy demonstrating how to make it, on a couple of Thursday evenings in the FB members group, very soon. If you only do one apple block and make it into a cushion front or other project, that would be fantastic, but after making one, I'll wager you'll want to do the others and complete the wall hanging.
The second pattern for the members this month is the lovely Oriana. I love a new bag, do you, especially one as roomy and versatile as this one. Mine will be coming away with me for a few days next week, as I enjoy a little October sunshine (fingers crossed).

So what else has been happening?
I seem to say every month that we have a busy one, and that's true. October then, is proving to be no exception. Already, on Wednesday, we had an extra live demonstration on the Lizzy Curtis FB page, using new templates. If you missed it, take a look at the video by clicking on the link below, or go to the page and you'll find it there.
Then on Thursday the members enjoyed a book review (a beautiful Christmas Quilting book) and a tutorial on how to join the pages of their sewing journals, full of examples of techniques that Lizzy has been teaching monthly throughout the year. With another live event in the Platinum group again tonight (Sunday), that will total 4 lives during the first week of the month. Phew!
There's great excitement about the Children in Need, A Bag with a Heart pattern again this month. It is so cute and I want to tell you all about it but I'll let Gemma do that in this little video:
OK, so my blog posts are really just for news and sharing, but I just can't miss this opportunity to encourage you to pop over to the website and buy the pattern. I think you'll know by now that the proceeds go to Children in Need. That's all I'm saying, as I could get myself into trouble, sshhh...
What's in the pipeline?
Apart from the regular lives in the FaceBook groups, we have 2 more live events planned on the Lizzy Curtis FB page during October. Lizzy has something lovely to show you, rather special! I will revisit a MIM, with my eye on a little Quilt As You Go project.
On the last Thursday of the month Lizzy and I always get together, live in Lizzy's Sewing Group, to dissect and reinvent an old Mid Month Madness pattern. All that means is that we choose a MMM pattern and use the techniques or ideas within it, to each make something else. At the end of September we were together in Lizzy's workroom which is always great fun for me (and Lizzy, I think), and we just made one item. In fact Lizzy made a gorgeous patchwork block and I did some ironing! This month we'll be at home as usual and we'll both come up with something different. These are fun lives to inspire and entertain you, but you may also pick up some great tips.
It's highly likely that there'll be another multi-day workshop soon. The content is a huge secret but it's going to be awesome and the details will be revealed in good time for you to prepare. These workshops are usually run over consecutive days, live in a special exclusive Facebook group. We enjoy tuition, demonstration, inspiration, and support. So look out for the announcement and you can join in. I can't wait.
So, it's the countdown to Christmas. There are less than 80 days to Christmas day, so you don't have time to go round the world, you can stay home and create! The year to date has literally flown by and the next couple of months will be no different, I'm sure. All my family and friends will be getting small handmade items from me this year. We have so many patterns to choose from at lizzycurtis.com that I need to look nowhere else. I suppose I'd better get started and I'll let you know next month how I'm getting on.
I hope you all have a fabulous October. We'd love to see photos of your sewing - please post them on Facebook in the Making it Special group or the members groups, as appropriate, to inspire everyone.
See you next month for another catch up.
Kath x