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Monthly Subscription

  • Creative friend

    Every month
    Full access to content on Lizzy's creative friends FB page and the members page on the website.
    • Full access to years of free content on Facebook
    • Special discounts on patterns and workshops
    • Live events with demonstrations.
    • Meet existing long term members, they are your community.
  • Textile and threads

    Every 3 months
    For textile art enthusiasts
    • A private interactive page here on the website, NOT Facebook
    • For textile enthusiasts only
    • For experienced textile adventurers
    • Creating pieces of textile art using unusual fabrics
    • We will undertake an artistic journey with no destination
    • We will share our ideas and learn new techniques

Please ensure you have a device capable of downloading and saving pattern files.  You will also need a printer, as some of the patterns contain templates which need printed.

Please join the Facebook Group when you have signed up!


Being a Creative Friend, you will be part of a big community. The membership will give you special discounts on new patterns in the future and any workshop Kath or I run.  This is only available via the Members page (Creative Friends tab) on the website when you sign up.  I decided to make my group more accessible to people, times have changed, the feedback I have received recently is things are tough and the first thing to go is a subscription. My group is amazing, and even if you cancel you can stay.  There is a huge amount of content for you to find so it's a great investment of your £2.50.  


So try it and see, I will always say hello to you in the morning to start your day off to the best start, and I will pop up from time to time to chat with you all. 

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